Dettaglio Evento



lunedì 14 marzo, ore 17.15, lunedì 4 aprile e lunedì 16 maggio ore 17.00, on line

lunedì 14 marzo, ore 17.15, lunedì 4 aprile e lunedì 16 maggio ore 17.00, on line

Un ciclo di tre incontri, tenuti da ospiti internazionali, in cui verremo guidati nella scoperta di temi legati alla narrazione interattiva e al transmedia storytelling, toccando in modo trasversale l’ambito del game design e dei game studies.

Lunedì 14 marzo, 17.15-18:15

Joleen Blom on Characters and Transmedia Storytelling

Joleen Blom (PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Tampere University Game Research Lab and at the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. She wrote her dissertation on dynamic game characters, developing a transmedial approach to study their proliferation across popular cultural media, with special attention to the role of games and characters within the Japanese media mix. Currently, she studies mediated intimacy, and players’ affective and parasocial relationships with game characters.
More info: 

Lunedì 4 aprile, 17.00-18:15

Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling – Part 1


Lunedì 16 maggio, 17.00-18:15

Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling – Part 2

Christopher Crawford is an American video game designer and writer. In 1992 Crawford withdrew from commercial game development and began experimenting with ideas for a next generation interactive storytelling system. In 2018, Crawford announced that he had halted his work on interactive storytelling, concluding that it will take centuries for civilization to embrace the required concepts.
More info:; 

Complex Artefacts and System Design Studio / Sez. C3, Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Design della Comunicazione e Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Digital and Interaction Design 2021/2022

Docenti: Mariana Ciancia, Ilaria Mariani

Cultori: Walter Mattana, Leonardo Codamo

I seminari, in lingua inglese, potranno essere seguiti su WEBEX a questo link 

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Via Candiani 72, 20158 MilanoDove Siamo