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Current students

Avviso neo immatricolati Corsi di Laurea della Scuola del Design a.a. 2024/25

Ricordiamo agli studenti neo immatricolati ai Corsi di Laurea della Scuola del Design, che dai servizi online è possibile accedere al proprio…

Future students

Admissions rankings Master's Degree Courses School of Design

From online services, the results of evaluations of applications for admission to the Laurea Magistrale Courses School of Design are visible (as of 10…

Current students

Presentation of Laboratories with Section Choice – Bachelor and Master's Degree

For some undergraduate and master's degree programs, it is possible to customize the Study Plan by indicating one's preferences for certain…

Current students

Graduatoria di merito - Passaggi - Scuola del Design